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Wanna Know the Fastest Way to Complete Your Sale? Introducing our New Messaging Feature!

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When making a sale or buying a product, communication is key. Confident Cannabis Wholesale has two new features and an update to an existing feature to make this part of the process seamless. 


In your Order Details page, you will now see a tab for Messages.

Inside of your Order Details page, you simply click Messages and you can talk with the other party about the deal you are negotiating. Messaging is only available for In Progress Orders. Canceled, completed, or pending Orders will not have Messaging available. 

Here’s an example:

Deb’s Dabs and Space of Spades were able to quickly communicate everything they needed to meet up in person and make that deal happen.

Using Messaging not only saves you time. When the order status changes the messages are saved for you to refer back to for your records.

Internal Messages:

Inside of the Messaging screen, there’s an option to create an Internal Message. These messages will only be viewable by you and those in your organization. You will know you’re creating an Internal Message because the text input box will be yellow.

Internal Messaging is the perfect resource to progress the order and involve other teammates in a timely manner to keep the deal rolling smoothly.


We’ve updated our Notes feature. You can now edit or delete your notes and they are only viewable to you.

This is where you can store vendor information. Did they enjoy a strain? Are they interested in an upcoming harvest or product? Reminders to send new samples and organizational records can also be stored here.

You will notice that all three features have a character limit that sits below the right side of the text box. As you type, the character counter will alert you when you are nearing the maximum limit.

If you have any questions about Messaging and Notes shoot us an email. We’d love to hear from you!

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