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New Platform For Retailers and Wholesalers May Help Oversupply

forbes, cannabis, wholesale

Forbes writer Iris Dorbian just recently wrote about our platform, Wholesale, and discussed how it might help to affect the oversupply issue in states like Oregon.

“Aside from paying exorbitant taxes and not having access to traditional banking, another problem cannabis producers and retailers face is the lack of transparency in wholesale trading. This is especially cumbersome in legal states such as Oregon where oversupply has become a highly publicized issue. Very often, wholesalers and retailers may be at loggerheads, with the former trying to sell untested product to the latter, who may not be so game due to the dearth of data regarding the quality of the product. Adding to the wholesaler’s headache is another problem: the retailer may already have several ironclad relationships with vendors in place.

With this in mind, Confident Cannabis, a maker of tools that help businesses test, sell and buy wholesale cannabis, has launched a software platform designed to simplify wholesale trading for all operators in the supply chain, enabling wholesalers, producers and retailers to make informed decisions based on cannabinoid profile, terpenes, price, category and lab results. Named Confident Cannabis Wholesale, the platform fills a void in an inundated market that surprisingly can be very low-tech.”


Read the full article here.

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